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Trivia / Jerry Seinfeld

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  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: He's never made any jokes about airplane food or peanuts, not even in his routine about airlines. Jerry's aware that many people associate him with these jokes and occasionally made references to them in a few episodes of Seinfeld.
    • By the same token, he never used "What's the deal with...?" in his standup, the phrase apparently having originated in the 1992 Saturday Night Live skit "Stand-Up and Win," in which he played the host of a game show for standup comics and cued the participants to respond to prompts that all began with the phrase (one of which was about airline food). The phrase only appeared in Seinfeld in the context of Self-Parody (i.e. his character getting booed offstage at his former middle school upon opening with "Hey kids, what's the deal with homework? You're not working on your home!")
