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Trivia / Charlie Parker Series

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  • Author Appeal: Connolly was researching the murder of a prostitute for an Irish Times article when he quit to become a writer. The gory details of the murder inspired the extreme violence of the first few novels.
  • Shout-Out: Tons. Some of them incredibly subtle, such as one reference to "lonely men in shirt sleeves", taken from The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot.
  • Shown Their Work: It's hard to believe sometimes that Connolly isn't a native of Maine. He's also clearly done extensive research into both weaponry and mythology.
  • Similarly Named Works: There's a band called "The Black Angels", movies called "The Unquiet", "The Killing Kind", "The Whisperers", and two movies called "The Lovers".
  • Write What You Know: Connolly was a bartender (among other things) before becoming a writer, Parker works as a bartender when he's not detecting.
  • Write Who You Know:
    • A number of characters appearing in the books are in fact employees of the Great Lost Bear.
    • Connolly claims that Louis and Angel are based directly off of his best friends in real life, with much of their dialogue lifted verbatim. Though the gentlemen in question (who he never names) are quick to point out that they're neither a couple nor criminals.
