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Trivia / Almighty Protectors

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  • Author's Saving Throw: Early issues were criticized for having the characters not reacting all that strongly to having powers, so Ave wrote issue 7 to address this by having it become recognized in-universe, as the sign of a major problem.
  • Creator's Favorite: Ave has admitted to liking Flame Thrower the most of all the characters.
  • Early Draft Tie-In: Karabear Comics Presents Special #1, which debuted before the comic, but did feature the team, listed Mineral's codename as "Michael", since originally he never took a codename.
  • Extremely Lengthy Creation: Ave came up with the original incarnations of the characters (almost unrecognizable to how they turned out) in the 4th grade. She later wrote the first few issues in her early 20s. The webcomic started updating finally in her mid-30s.
  • First Appearance:
    • Pinball was the first to appear, in a short-lived gag-a-day webcomic Ave made called Comfortably Numb. Zhe was a character who appeared in a couple filler strips.
    • Flame Thrower's mother first appeared in Karabear Comics Unlimited #2.
    • Flame Thrower, Mineral, Multiblades, and Rearranger first appeared in Karabear Comics Presents #1, when it was only available in print.
    • Arianna, B.A.D., and Dispawn first appeared in Karabear Comics Presents Special #1, which predated the actual webcomic despite taking place after the webcomic's eventual issue 14.
  • Schedule Slip: There was about a 6 month gap between issues 6 and 7. Issue 14 was also delayed a month due to the heavy workload needed to draw it.
  • Write What You Know: The comic takes place in the same home town as the creator. Flame Thrower, the clear creator favorite character, is an English major, just like her creator. Also, team member B.A.D. works at a local used bookstore. One might be able to guess one of the places the creator has worked at before...
