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Timeline / Next Global Crisis

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"Making the Peace" (Season 4, Episode 8): Sometime in the late 1960s, the Superior Civil War comes to an end as the Light and Dark Superiors come to a compromise over who gets dominion over the Earth. Both sides will share control and will subjugate humanity under the "Superior Genus" (as one unified race). Their invasion will be carried out by the joint effort of two human children. One is placed under the custody of the Light (Celestia) and the other under the Dark (Miss Freedom). For adhering to her Dark Mistress' command to not kill Spectrum (the Light Superior's top warrior), Harbinger receives a Darkside power staff.

Myanna, for trying to electrocute Spectrum in defiance of the Mistress' orders, is exiled along with the rest of her familial faction known as the Towers.

Season 1

"Fresh Recruits" (Training Room 16): Suki Deluxe, recently recruited to Elite Force and still known as Suki Tanaka, is set to fight against Nina Hellfire, then a rookie as well. The two seem equally matched at first, but Suki manages to pull out in the end. Receiving her 20th win after Nina forfeits, Suki is gifted her iconic purple uniform. But moments after her win is affirmed, Nina strikes from behind and warns Suki to watch her back even in victory.
"Power & Liberty" (Training Room 6): Powerstar takes on Captain Liberty in a battle of the sexes. The Captain, bitter about the promotion of female heroes within Elite Force, sets out to make an example of Powerstar and send a message to the organization about what he considers to be their "feminist agenda". He is brutally beaten down for his trouble.
"The Beginning" (Season 1, Episode 1): Powerstar is sent to arrest John Roman (then going under the alias Rain), a criminal suspected of human trafficking. Expecting it to be a simple job, Powerstar begins to grow weaker as John slowly drains her energy during the fight. Eventually he is able to deliver super-charged punches and defeats her handily. While Powerstar writhes on the ground, John explains that he knows her true identity and that she suffers from debilitating seizures on account of her ever expanding power reserve.

He offers her a deal to periodically syphon her energy in order to satiate his own hunger, while also relieving her of her seizures. Powerstar is initially reluctant, but John adds that he will kill her friends and family if she refuses. With that caveat, she reluctantly agrees.

"Close Encounter" (Comic Issue #1): Powerstar has been getting her power regularly drained by John at this point and is operating at a considerably lower level. She faces off against two thugs that would usually be easy work for her and gets demolished. Elite Force learns of the encounter and are concerned.
"Downfall" (Training Room 12): Powerstar, after failing to meet her duties for over a week, is sent back to the training room to assess her capabilities. She is set to fight in a submission match against Bluebird, who while still a rookie is among the top heroes not on active duty. While initially a one-sided battle with Powerstar throwing her super-charged punches at a defenseless Bluebird, her energy levels quickly subside, and the tides turn.

Bluebird manages to defeat Powerstar and force her to submit. Powerstar's defeat comes as a major shock to Elite Force and as a result she is removed from active duty for further training.

"Angel's Ordeal" (Season 1, Episode 2): Angel, under her secret identity as TV presenter Maria Nemanikhin, visits a secret Elite Force training facility in Germany's Black Forest to shoot an expose on the organization for her show. Dr. Richard Humble, the head training coordinator, allows her to participate in a mock training sequence to show its ins and outs. Maria suits up and begins, but quickly realizes that she is in great danger while fighting against the training drone. After a grueling ordeal, Maria debriefs with Dr. Humble. Using her powers of mind control, Maria forces Dr. Humble to overlook her poor performance in training program and offer her a position in Elite Force.
"Hornet Strikes" (Season 1, Episode 3): Golden Hornet chases a purse thief into an abandoned building only to realize she's been lured into a trap by two Red Mist operatives, Mr. Black and Ms. White, fraternal twins coerced into Red Mist's service due to their shared affliction with a medical condition that renders them intangible for moments at a time. The twins are tasked with unmasking Golden Hornet before the world in return for a cure to their condition, however during the ensuing fight, Golden Hornet fatally stabs Ms. White with her stinger causing her to disappear indefinity.

Mr. Black flies into a rage and beats Golden Hornet before tearing off her mask. The entire encounter was taped, and the footage is used to expose Golden Hornet's identity and paint her as a as a murder.

"Infiltration" (Season 1, Episode 6): John Roman enlists the help of Leadfoot to infiltrate Elite Force's training facility and kidnap Suki Deluxe. The pair are successful in their efforts and strap her with a mind control collar. They condition her to think she is Ms. White in order to
"Death of Elite Force" (Season 1, Episode 7):
"Extermination" (Training Room 17):
"Game Over" (Training Room 18):
"Project Deciple" (Season 1, Episode 8):
"Freedom's End" (Season 1, Episode 9):

Season 2
