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Tear Jerker / The Kite Runner

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  • The scene where Hassan is raped and the references to it throughout the book, as well as Amir's obvious guilt over it
  • When Baba dies.
  • For you, a thousand times over. Doubles as a Heartwarming Moment.
  • Hassan's mother's return and how he forgives her for having abandoned him, the relationship they manage to repair and how her little grandson becomes the centre of her life. It's a far cry from the beautiful and tumultuous young woman she's said to have been.
  • Hassan's death, for obvious reasons. How Amir couldn't see him one more time and apologize. It's even worse because before dying he wrote to him an affectionate letter and had always spoke highly of Amir to his son.
    • And the events leading up to it, where Hassan describes in his letter the gradual deterioration of Kabul under the Taliban, from banning of kites, his wife being struck for raising her voice in public and the killings in the streets.
  • What happened to Sohrab when he was in the hands of Assef. Pretty much everything that happens to Sohrab, from sexual abuse to suicide attempt.
