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Tear Jerker / Pitch Black

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  • "I was supposed to die in France."
  • The scene where Riddick very calmly lets Imam in on his Freudian Excuse when the latter assumes Riddick doesn't believe in God.
    Riddick: You think someone could spend half their life in a slam with a horse bit in their mouth and not believe? You think he could start out in some liquor store trash bin with an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and not believe? You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God... and I absolutely hate the fucker.
  • Riddick crying over Carolyn's Heroic Sacrifice, yelling, "Not for me! Not for ME!" Carolyn had told him earlier that she would die for any of her charges. Riddick, who in Pitch Black hated himself, was shocked and dismayed that she meant him, too.
    • Even more so. Seconds before being taken, Carolyn says "I said I'd die for them, not you! Let's move!" Obviously meant to motivate him. The look on her face in the moment says it all.
    • When flying away from the planet, Jack asks Riddick what they should say when they get picked up. He tells her to say, "Riddick's dead. He died somewhere on that planet." Having spent the entire movie seeing Carolyn as a fellow survivor (no matter what it cost others) and someone who only needed a little convincing to fully accept her true nature like he did, he can no longer sustain his own life philosophy when she ends up not just sacrificing herself for others but for someone like him of all people, when he himself considered himself not worth dying for.
  • Seeing Imam's grief as his innocent young students get themselves eaten alive can be this, too, especially his utter breakdown when his last student is killed.
  • The state of what's implied to have once been a fertile, flourishing planet reduced to a wasteland of bone and sand, with only two evident native species, one of which has been reduced to mass cannibalism due to the extinction of all other prey, is fairly depressing.
