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Tear Jerker / Barbie in the Nutcracker

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  • Clara and the Nutcracker's nighttime conversation about his true identity.
    Clara: Why haven't you told anyone?
  • Just as Clara makes the decision to stay in Parthenia with Eric, the Mouse King (who'd been shrunk following his defeat) opens the charm on her necklace that was meant to send her home. Eric calls out to her in vain as she slowly disappears, but within seconds she's gone. The heartbreak in his voice is gut-wrenching.
  • Watching the Nutcracker and Captain Candy's first few scenes after learning the Nutcracker's true identity is heart-wrenching. Candy may defend Prince Eric, but he still can't recognize his best friend under the Mouse King's curse.
    • Made even worse by Captain Candy's open suspicion of the Nutcracker and the Nutcracker implying that Prince Eric is dead when asked about his whereabouts.
  • The Nutcracker calling Clara's name from behind the Mouse King's soundproof wall, especially after he realizes she can't see or hear him, seems calculated to start the waterworks. Then it turns to Heartwarming when she figures out the illusion.
