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Tear Jerker / The Gallagher Girls

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I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You

  • After the old barn dance, Cammie returns to the Academy and finds her mother crying alone in her office. It's this that makes her realise that it's her father's birthday.
  • Joe Solomon revealing that he was hard on Cammie during his classes because he didn't want her to go missing like Cammie's father did.

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

  • Cammie's reaction to seeing the photo of her father and Mr Solomon. When her roommates look at it later on Cammie goes into the bathroom to brush her teeth so that they won't see her cry.

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover

  • Joe Solomon, who is usually The Stoic, cries after the Circle tries to abduct Cammie during the climax of the book.

Only the Good Spy Young

  • Cammie confronting Mr Solomon during the cov-ops field trip. Everything, from how dishevelled and depressed he looks to him crumbling when Cammie lashes out at him. There's also how the whole field trip was a set-up to lure him in so that Agent Townsend could capture him, and Mr Solomon fell for it.
  • The climax of the book. Zach sacrifices himself and Mr Solomon in an attempt to keep Cammie safe. It results in Mr Solomon being in a coma.
  • Zach and Mr Solomon almost dying traumatizes Cammie and leads to her deciding to try to hunt down the Circle by herself, as she feels like everyone close to her will keep getting hurt if she stays at the Gallagher Academy.

Out of Sight, Out of Time

  • Cammie almost jumping off the fifth floor during the climax.
  • Cammie and the gang discovering her father's grave.

United We Spy

  • Liz blaming herself for the Circle attempting to start World War III, as they are using her theoretical plan to make it happen.
  • Cammie, Liz, Macey and Zach's reactions to Bex getting injured during the mission to rescue Preston.
