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Tear Jerker / North Western Railway Tales

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Farewell, old friend...

  • The untimely death of Mrs Kyndley in Farewell, Old Friend. It tells that a whole story arc is dedicated to the remaining Kyndley family in the aftermath.
  • Glynn's apparent fate in The Legacy of Glynn the Coffee Pot Engine, after getting into an accident and becoming irreparably damaged.
    • At least until Sir Robert Norramby restores him in Inadequate Replica.
  • The Sodor Blitz, a Darker and Edgier episode released for Remembrance Day, is framed as a story told to an indignant Shane in the present day. The veteran telling the story recounts one night that the bombing set a truck full of munitions alight at Brendam Docks. Before Edward could start off to do something, an explosion rang out and a fireball erupted...
    • The bombing itself. The air-raid sirens going off, coupled with the Home Guard frantically firing their rifles at the enemy planes, can bring back unpleasant memories for those who lived through it.
  • Gordon & The Bluebell opens with a brief tribute to Michael Angelis, the source material's longest running narrator, who has passed away that year.
