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Tear Jerker / Loud House: Infection of the Dead

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"Lucy, I don't even know what I'm going to do without you. We were supposed to reunite with Mom and Dad together. We were going to make life the way it was before."
Lincoln to Lucy, "Chapter 10: The Race"

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     In general 

     Arc 1 

1: The Fall of Michigan

  • The intro to the story. Surrounded by nothing but destroyed homes and corpses, a 34-year-old Lori Loud has clearly gone through a lot of pain staring at her unmoving TV.
    • We understand more and more of her pain as we progress through the story, knowing how many people she's lost and will continue to lose...

5: Out in the Open

  • Lola's death. Being only six years old, Lola clearly had many years to look forward to. Yet, her life was interrupted by a herd attack. Even when she was bit, she still held out hope and put her entire trust in Lisa to treat her. Yet, hours go by and Lisa's treatment fails... and she turns into a roamer.

     Arc 2 

     Arc 3 

     Arc 4 
