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Tear Jerker / Gameboys

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The fight at the end of Episode 5. The buildup of anger & pain in Gavreel's eyes when Cairo keeps unloading his insecurities onto him, culminating in the accusation about Gavreel's grandmother, which finally puts him over the edge. The increasing regret on Cairo's face when Gavreel finally snaps back. The last few shots of horror as Cairo is left alone.

  • Cairo's breakdown when he finds out his father died. And Gavreel's visible helplessness while still on call with him.

  • The ENTIRE Episode 8 is both heartwarming and tearjerking.
    • Pearl nearly tearing up while telling Gavreel to be strong while giving Cairo space to grieve.
    • If the posts about people losing loved ones during the pandemic don't end you, the montage with Cairo and his father surely will send you over the edge.
    • London reaching out to Cairo to mend their relationship.
    • Mommy Leila reversing the apology on Cairo.
    • The scheduled e-mail from Cairo's father, asking him to forgive himself.

  • A consistent waterfall trigger is the moment you realize Gavreel is behind Cairo. After following the pair so long interact using computer screens. IT'S HERE!! Doubly so for the Finale, when it's done again with roles reversed. All the tension prior to those scenes from the uncertainty just melts away with the tears of joy.

  • Cairo drinking and despairing in the car thinking that a breakaup with Gavreel is imminent.
