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Tear Jerker / Faith in Superior Firepower

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Spoilers Off applies to all Tear Jerker pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • The ending. Just..... the ending...: Faith watches the Batarian Hegemony fail to a rebellion, but she can't take any pleasure from it, because of how little she's done to prepare for the aftermath. Afterwards, she heads back to her home universe with Hope and decides to shut down. Hope pleads for her not to go through with this, but in the end, Faith is unmoved. Damn.....
    • It's especially sad because, for all intents and purposes, Hope is begging her sister to stop herself from committing suicide, but ultimately, she is ignored.
    • Adding to this, Robb's reaction to this scene. You'd expect him to be celebrating, but instead, he's.... disappointed. Word of God is that he has something that limits his powers and was trying to maneuver Faith into removing that limiter, so this is essentially him watch his plan go up in smoke. Even if he was an evil bastard, it's hard not to feel sorry for him.
    • And adding to all of this, Fusou is still in the dark about this. Even if she didn't like Faith that much, you have to wonder how she's going to feel when she finds out what happened...
