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Tear Jerker / Elvis (2022)

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Sometimes I feel... like a motherless child...

  • Elvis sobbing in his mother's closet after her death.
  • Priscilla has finally had enough of Elvis' self-destructive behavior and declares that she's leaving him. Elvis utterly begs his wife to stay, and she refuses, despite it obviously being heartrending for her to do so. And Elvis' "When you're forty, and I'm fifty, we'll get back together, you'll see" stabs you right in the gut, because we all know he'll never see fifty.
  • Elvis and Priscilla's final meeting, where she begs him to get medical help for the sake of Lisa Marie. The foregone conclusion that Presley will never manage to get clean makes his insistence that he's never been in better health all the rougher.
  • In the same scene, before they part ways, Elvis mouths to Priscilla that he will always love her.
  • Elvis believing he has created nothing of value or that will be remembered after he is gone. Despite all his success, he still feels like a failure because of Colonel Parker's manipulations stopping him from achieving the things he really wanted.
  • The final scene of the film, in which Austin Butler-as-Elvis singing his final performance of "Unchained Melody" turns into footage of the real performance and shows that even at his absolute lowest, he could still perform like no one else.
  • The expression on Elvis' face when he hears of Robert Kennedy's assassination. Austin Butler just conveys so much pain and shock in it.
