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Tear Jerker / Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

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  • The first trailer for the movie has Linkara considering stopping the show.
    • As of the actual first section, we discover it's because all the shit that's happened to him over the course of the storylines seem to have provoked some traumatic stress.
      • Also from the trailer:
      Nash: We almost died...I'm not okay with that.
    • Harvey admits he doesn't believe in God, mainly because of him having lost his son.
    • The death of Allen and Linkara's reaction to it.
    • Linkara admitting that he feels like he's just waiting to die.
    • Linkara's conversation with Allen's corpse about how he feels like his life is a comic book sometimes, adding in how he may just go through a reboot, do something like Spider-Man did in One More Day or have something like what happened to Arsenal in Cry for Justice. Given how much Linkara hates those books...
    • Linkara reflecting too late (except not) on what an asshole he's been to Allen.
