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Sliding Scale / All Trolls Are Different

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Sliding Scale of troll size

  • -2: Those really tiny fellers that live inside strawberries.

  • -1: Dragonfly riders. Gotta admire them for their sheer bravery.

  • 0: Standard, brightly-colored toy fare.

  • 1: Toddler-sized imp; this variety is known for being a tad rambunctious.

  • 2: Adult-sized, hairy recluse. "I'm a grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge" indeed.

  • 3: Warrior variant as big as a rhinoceros, and a penchant for making spitwads.

  • 4: Giant sentries disguised as maple trees. Surprisingly, their camouflage skills are largely unaffected by their physique.

  • 5: These ones right here grow to ten stories tall, and as such like to play Peek-a-boo in skyscraper windows. Trust me, it can be unnerving.

  • 6: Chunky bois are roughly as tall as Mt. Denali. The good news is, this species is painfully lazy and only eats boulders.

  • 7: Equivalent to the area of the Caspian Sea, and shockingly majestic swimmers at that.

  • 8: Too big to fit in South America. Plus, they smell like durians, p.u!

  • 9: That's no moon, that's a satellite troll! Hewwo thewe!

  • 10: Planet sized troll, just large enough to compete against a titan.

- Viracochaxevious
