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Recap / The Genius S 4 E 6 Garnet Thief

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Garnet thief is the second garnet match of the season. Player with the most garnets wins the match and player with the least — goes to Deathmatch.

In each of the 8 rounds players pick one of the four roles: mafia, cartel, police or beggar. Player also must announce the role they are claiming. They can lie about it but if they did and failed to win garnet on that turn — they are penalized by 1 garnet.

4 garnets are distributed in each round. If one criminal group has more members than the other they get to split the prize between themselves evenly (if possible) and the remainder (if any) goes to beggar(s).

If both criminal groups are matched (or there are no criminals at all) police gets to split the prize and remainder, again, goes to beggars.

Game naturally designed for teams of 4 people so 2 teams form:

  • Kyungran, Hyunmin, Jinho led by Dongmin
  • and Junseok leads Kyunghoon, Yeonseung and Jungmoon

We see Jungmoon recruited by Dongmin to be a spy and she does an okay job signaling her team's choices and Dongmin's team start gathering garnets. Kyunghoon is in Sherlock mode so he notices how Dongmin is looking at her, clearly looking for cues. He shares his suspicions with Junseok and he tells her to stay in the room and this seem to work and they start to catch up. However Kyunghoon makes a mistake that ruins their plan and makes impossible for them to catch up.

Junseok and Kyunghoon are in despair. Kyunghoon offers to try to address Dongmin directly. Junseok agrees and it works. Dongmin comes over and they hatch a plan to push Kyunghoon to for the first place in the last round.

But something goes "wrong" again: Kyunghoon makes yet another "mistake" and suddenly entirety of Dongmin's team + Kyunghoon all have 10 garnets exactly achieving spectacular joint 5-way win which only leaves Junseok, Yeonseun and Jungmoon out of it and up for Deathmatch.

How did this come to be?

Kyunghoon was also a spy for Dongmin! Planted separately, he didn't knew about Jungmoon but after noticing her giving out cues, he exposes her to get Junseok's trust and continues leaking the information. His "mistakes" in the last 2 rounds were very intentional moves (self-consciously) disguised as Kyunghoon's usual erratic incompetence.

Joint winners pick Junseok for Deathmatch and he picks Dr. Yeonseung (to Jungmoon's visible relief). They will be playing Monorail.

Yeonseung feels bad for Kyunghoon so he gives him his garnets for Deathmatch and tells him to keep them if Junseok eliminates him. Unknowingly he might have just signed his death warrant with these words, because the next thing Kyunghoon does is train Junseok on Monorail so that he gets to keep these garnets.

Kyunghoon teaches Junseok starting move that has only one solution and it stumps Yeonseung. He can't see it being solvable and after a long time and several attempts of connecting the tracks he claims it to be impossible. He's mistaken. Junseok solves it and wins Deathmatch, eliminating Dr. Yeonseung.


  • Best Served Cold: in the pre-match banter segment Junseok randomly announces he's targeting Kyungran today:
Kyungran: I will remember that.
Junseok: Remember it, please.
After the game when Junseok's team loses, Kyungran picks Junseok as elimination candidate because of this.
  • Double Agent: After putting his team in losing position by "mistake", Kyunghoon offers to fix the problem by talking with opposing team's leader, Dongmin. What he's actually going to be talking with Dongmin about instead is how to achieve joint 5 way win between opposing team and him.
  • Flock of Wolves: Junseok's team consists of:
    • Jungmoon — Dongmin's spy
    • Kyunghoon — Dongmin's second spy
    • and Yeonseung who ditches his team at the end as well to save himself.
  • Miming the Cues: Jungmoon and Kyunghoon separately devise systems of gestures to signal to Dongmin's team. However Hyunmin misinterprets some of them when he mistakes one of Jungmoon's casual poses for a cue.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Kyunghoon again uses his reputation of a player who is prone to dumb mistakes and "accidentally" makes several that ruins his team.
  • Right Hand Versus Left Hand: Kyunghoon and Jungmoon are separately recruited as spies and don't know about each other. Kyunghoon figures that Jungmoon is a second mole and reveals her to Junseok to secure his trust and eliminate his spying competition.
