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Recap / The Body Reflects the Heart, the Shadow Reflects the Soul Chapter 2

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Battlefield Meetings and Reunions

At Shibuya Station, Queen and Noir hold off waves of monsters swarming the area alongside the police. Exhausted but determined, the two Phantom Thieves unleash their attacks through their Personas. However, an Orthrus remains, and as Queen is about to confront it, another Persona suddenly arrives and finishes off the monster. To Queen and Noir's surprise, they discover that the Persona came from a member of the police force, Naoto Shirogane. The three women exchange introductions before continuing to deal with the Shadows.

Skull and Panther make their way across the city to the station with more police officers following behind before the former notices another fight. He goes on ahead to Panther's protest. Skull soon spots Wolf, who was in Tokyo for a meeting, fighting against an Orobas and other Shadows. Panther eventually catches up to lend a hand in dealing with the monsters before she and Skull use an All-Out Attack on the Orobas, killing him. As everyone settles down and explains what has happened so far, the police chief, Akihiko Sanada, shows up. He asks the Phantom Thieves for their aid, having deduced that they are Persona-users like him. The Persona-users then continue onward to Shibuya Station.

Oracle quickly scans the entirety of Shibuya, keeping track of her teammates' signals alongside a couple of unfamiliar ones. She eventually meets up with Fox and immediately re-energizes him from exhaustion. After Fox takes care of a horde of Shadows, he and Oracle rush off to meet up with the other Thieves at the station. Together, the Persona-users finally eliminate all the Shadows. Oracle then warns about another monster when an explosion interrupts her, blowing a Valkyrie out of the tunnel before it dissolves away. The one who defeated the Shadow then shows himself: Joker, the leader of the Phantom Thieves.
