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Recap / Stories Of Sodor S 1 E 7 Mainline

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Toby applies a unique skill of his to help out the Midis while Edward meets a certain clergyman for the first time.

Tropes featured in this episode:

  • Author Avatar: The Thin Clergyman.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Eric pulls Thomas to Elsbridge when he bursts a valve when trying to get a passenger in labor to an ambulance.
  • Continuity Nod: This is the second time Thomas bursts a valve, the first time in "Fire."
  • Hidden Depths: Toby demonstrates his ability to speak Spanish.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: In a way, this episode takes place in 1937; between 1936 and 1939, the Spanish Civil War took place, with refugees coming to Sodor.
