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Recap / Sesame Street E 555

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Snuffy is coming over and Big Bird is determined to get the adults to meet him, and they agree to come out if Snuffy is really there. But given Snuffy's habit of leaving early, Big Bird begins giving several "practice calls" to see if they come on time, which could result in no one coming once Snuffy finally does come.

  • Original air date: December 14, 1973
  • Sponsors: L, N, 10

Tropes seen in this episode:

  • An Aesop: Don't cry wolf; multiple summons will result in no one believing you even if you tell the truth.
  • Crying Wolf: The main issue for the episode. Big Bird makes plans for his friends to see Mr. Snuffleupagus by getting them to agree to show up whenever Big Bird shouts "Snuffleupagus!" When Snuffy does show up and Big Bird shouts it, nobody comes, as he had "cried Snuffleupagus" too many times.
  • Downer Ending: On Big Bird's end, he has cried "Snuffleupagus" so many times that no one comes out, and he doesn't see Snuffy leave while Luis lectures him, prompting Big Bird to assume Snuffy went home to nap, and decides to do so himself for three days to vent out his failures.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After the street story, Big Bird vanishes for the rest of the episode, possibly because of him taking a nap after his failure to get the adults to meet Snuffy for Crying Wolf on them.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: To The Boy Who Cried Wolf nonetheless.
