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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Supercharge Here Comes Heximas

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In this new world they've helped create, Shelby is atwitter over getting to feed a triceratops, only to find Chase and Riley arguing over untangling Christmas lights. Then they notice they all have a present to open "now". They find lumps of coal...which start glowing ominously.

Tyler arrives later, only to find the others missing, taking the last two presents down to Kendall in the base. Just at that moment though, Ivan, Koda and Keeper show up using the Energems's time travel ability, Keeper having brought them in for Christmas. Then Tyler opens his present, finding the same lump of coal, only on taking it, he's transformed into "an evil elf" wanting to go help Heximas. The three others restrain Tyler, with Koda reminding Tyler of his 'never give up' spirit to find his father, and Tyler returns to his true self.

Just then, Santa calls the rangers again. Santa reports that all his lumps of coal have been stolen, but he's tracked down where they were stolen to. The four rangers head over there, discovering not just Shelby, Chase and Riley, but also Vivix and a monster! Stealing one of the trucks, the rangers recapture Chase and Riley. Ivan talks to Chase, reminding him how far his romantic life has come, and that helps break his spell. Kendall meanwhile reminds Riley of how his compassion eventually lead him to making peace with one of his old bullies, and that he was at his best when he was himself. With their minds back, Chase and Riley reveal that the monster Heximas wants to give the whole world coal, and he'll be taking off soon. Keeper in turn gives the rangers back their Energems, and promises that he'll have Prince Philip, James and Zenowing meet them on site.

Arriving nine rangers strong, the rangers ask Heximas how in the world he survived getting thrown into the sun. The answer? It turns out he stopped Wrench from taking the last escape pod before it crashed into the sun, and thus worked for 65 million years perfecting his evil elf spell, learning how to recreate Vivix, and building a sleigh of his own. And with Shelby on his side, he has her and the Vivix attack to stall the rangers while he takes off.

Tyler engages Shelby, reminding her of who she really is and their love for one another, breaking Heximas's spell. Using the Ultimate Victory Charge, they destroy the sleigh, but Heximas then uses the sleigh's built-in Magnabeam to grow. The rangers in turn use all their Zords, in Plesio Charge Megazord, Ptera Megazord, and the Dino Charge Ultrazord to blast Heximas to dust.

Settling in for Christmas celebrations together, the whole team celebrates. (Koda even brings in the robot caveman Worg to help) When Santa arrives, Tyler accidentally sends custard pie onto some of the other rangers, but Santa lightly says that all his coal was stolen. He then hands out presents to everyone.

The End.

This Episode contains examples of..

  • Bookends: Shelby and Tyler are the last to morph in this episode. They were also the first to morph at the beginning of the series.
  • The Cameo: Worg makes a brief appearance near the end of the episode.
  • Character Development: This episode seems to be about looking back on how things changed for several rangers, from Chase finding a girlfriend, to Riley becoming more sure of himself, to Shelby showing the many sides of her personality that attracted Tyler to her.
  • Christmas Episode: The 2nd one, and this one's definitely in continuity.
  • Clip Show: Being an Epilogue to the series, this would be a given.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Subverted. Despite it being after the main finale, Heximas does explain how he and Vivix survived the end.
