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Recap / My Little Pony Pony Life S 1 E 5 Bad Thing No 3

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Rarity tries to get rid of her bad luck before it can ruin her relationship with a new friend. As Rarity continues to deal with her bad luck, she receives some much-needed advice from an unexpected source: herself.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Adaptational Jerkass: The original Fancy Pants was a Nice Guy despite being a noble in Friendship is Magic. Here he only invites Rarity to go on a walk with him to hear him talk about himself.
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: Done twice. In part 1 when Rarity tells her bad luck story to Pinkie Pie she casts a spotlight on herself leaving the rest of the room in darkness and Pinkie's eyes being shown. In part 2 when hiding out in a giant hollowed out cupcake, Rarity's eyes and mouth are visible.
  • Sanity Slippage: Rarity loses her mind as she continues to obsess over bad thing number 3.
  • Thinking Out Loud: Part 2 starts when Rarity begins to argue with herself (using a deep gravelly voice for one side and her normal voice for the other) over whether or not to steal Pinkie's recipe and forcibly trigger bad thing number 3.
  • Title Drop
  • Year Outside, Hour Inside: Rarity's inner self mentions that while seconds pass by in her dimension eons fly by in the real world. However she admits she was lying when Rarity leaves.
