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Recap / Letterkenny S 1 Perfects Day

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‘Letterkenny is named after the town in Ireland of the same name. It was first populated by Irish immigrants during the 1840’s potato famine. A community still rich in Irish culture, Letterkenny hosts one of the best St. Patrick’s Day parties around.’

At the produce stand, the Hicks are drinking Irish Car Bombs, a name which Wayne finds offensive (though he does like the drink). Dan thinks he's taking it too seriously, but Wayne objects that nobody who lived in Ireland during the Troubles would agree. Katy says that Wayne's being a poopy-pants, but Wayne says he thinks they're all missing the point- the St Patrick's Day party has absolutely nothing to do with Saint Patrick, and in addition, it's usually ruined by the degens from up-country.

Daryl says that this year, the hockey players are doing security. The Skids are DJ'ing, much to Wayne's ire, as he thinks that agricultural halls should be for agricultural music. However, Wayne does concede that as long as everyone's having a good time, there's no reason to be a poopy-pants. The Hicks' ride, a guy called Seth, shows up and they all head off. Some very festive credits later, we cut to the next day at 7 AM. Seth drops the Hicks back, and they all settle back down at the produce stand and have a beer.

Katy, Dan and Wayne agree that last night's party was the best ever- it wasn't St Patrick's Day, it was St Perfect's Day. Daryl can't remember any of it and is worried that he did something stupid, but the others tell him that he was amazing- or, as they put it, Legen-Dary. They start explaining what happened, and we get the first of a series of flashbacks.

In the first flashback, Wayne's smoking outside the Ag Hall when McMurray joins him. They converse amiably, but McMurray's worried- there's a ton of degens inside. Wayne's still of the opinion that if everyone's having a good time, there's no reason to be a poopy-pants, so McMurray heads back inside to keep an eye on his wife and sister, as he thinks the security team are already drunk.

We get a quick shot of the Skids, who are DJ'ing, and then we find out that McMurray was right- the hockey team are incredibly drunk. Back at the produce stand, Daryl wonders what this has to do with anything, and when Dan asks, he says that no, he does not remember any leprechaun. Despite Wayne pointing out that leprechauns have no relevance to Saint Patrick, Dan explains that the leprechaun was a big part of Daryl's transformation into Legen-Dary, and last night, he got to be that leprechaun.

In the next flashback, Daryl's alternating between dancing and drinking while Dan's off to one side, eating a corned beef sandwich, provided by Bonnie. Letterkenny's St Patrick's Day mascot, Pitter Paddy, gets picked on by the degens, and before Dan can intervene, the guy playing the character ripped the suit off, threw it on the ground and stormed off. Dan realised that the degens had the same intentions for the costume as he did, so he got there first, donned the costume and became Pitter Paddy. Back at the produce stand, Dan says that becoming Pitter Paddy was a childhood dream of his.

Back in the flashback, Dan's accosted by the mascot of Sammy's Sammichs, who is not a happy sandwich. Sammy attacks Dan, who nearly succumbs, but Daryl comes to the rescue and beats the shit out of him. Dan recovers his poise...

...and back at the produce stand, Daryl asks where Wayne was. We get the next flashback, which tells us that Wayne was still outside, smoking. McMurray comes back outside and reports that Sammy's starting fights, but Wayne says that as long as most people are having a good time, there's still no reason to get excited.

Back at the produce stand, Daryl says he can't believe he got in a fight. Katy corrects him- it was actually two fights. She explains her part of the story: she's not a Christian, but she decided to give up sex for Lent. However, St Patrick's Day is the one day during Lent that those observing it are allowed to have whatever they gave up, so Katy went to get laid.

Next flashback: Katy makes her grand entrance, leaving the various townspeople looking either turned on or angry. The degens start following her, but Reilly and Jonesy head them off. Sammy Sammich comes after Reilly and Jonesy, but Daryl takes him down again. Meanwhile, Katy and Mrs McMurray have a rather pointed conversation purely through glances and gestures.

Back outside, McMurray storms out, clearly angry. He and Wayne chat, and when Wayne says that as long as people are having a good time, there's no reason to get excited, McMurray says that nobody's having a good time. Wayne then comes up with a solution: in order to honour Saint Patrick, who drove the druids out of Ireland, he and the others will drive the degens out of Letterkenny. He, McMurray, Daryl, Reilly and Jonesy proceed to do just that, and once they're done, everyone celebrates as Katy and Mrs McMurray emerge from the bathroom, wearing each other's shirts.

Back at the produce stand, Wayne thinks they haven't seen the last of the degens, but at least they did right by Saint Patrick and each other. The Hicks head off to make breakfast and do some chorin', and Dan stays behind to put the Pitter Paddy cap back on before Wayne calls him.
