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Recap / Harmony And Horror Episode 3

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"Wake_uP_B4nZo.mp4" begins with the sound of a VHS tape being loaded into a VHS player, showing a blue screen before the tape fully begins. The date is April 8th, 1985, and a father is tucking his daughter in bed in the background. All the viewer can see is a purple bedside desk, a stitched-together dog stuffed animal, and a green lamp. The father tells his daughter that he will be back later tonight, and asks if she wants her light turned off. She tells him that she's fine, and they wish each other goodnight as the light turns off. A few seconds of silence pass before the screen glitches, and a loud burst of audial static is heard.

When the camera cuts back, a few hours have passed. The camera shakes and turns around, facing darkness before the camera holder looks back at what they were filming. A flashlight illuminates a door, and high-pitched giggling can be heard on the other side. The door creaks open to reveal a monstrous animatronic surrounded by blood. The animatronic looks like an oversized version of the dog plushie on the daughter's bedside table. It begins to move, turning its head to face the camera. Before anything else can happen, the footage cuts back to the previous few hours, just after the father left. The lamp flickers a while after the cut, completely dying moments later. The time abruptly cuts to 4:06 am.

The footage cuts back to the doorway, but it is earlier in the night than before. The camera holder is shoved through the door, which slams shut behind them. Then, their flashlight cuts out. When it turns back on, the animatronic dog is inches away from them, roaring as it attacks. On closer inspection, the animatronic looks stitched-together, and is missing its right eye.

Another footage cut brings the viewer back to the bedside table. The dog plushie suddenly sits up straight, and the date and time in the bottom left corner completely disappear. Static covers the screen for a few seconds. After the static clears, a distorted face begins to fade into view on the far left of the screen. The face is contorted in a wide-mouthed scream with tear tracks running down its cheeks.

The entire screen goes black. After a few seconds of silence, the dog plush returns, shaking violently as sped-up music plays in the background. A circle surrounds the left eye of the plush, moving the inside area at a different pace. Then, the image is mirrored, giving the plush a three-eyed appearance. Finally, the image is pixelated and brightened, ending soon after the audio turns monotone.
