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Recap / Doctor Who: Lockdown

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  1. Strax Saves the Day
  2. Doctor Who and the Time War
  3. Revenge of the Nestene
  4. The Raggedy Doctor by Amelia Pond
  5. Rory's Story
  6. Farewell, Sarah Jane
  7. Shadow of a Doubt
  8. The Shadow in the Mirror
  9. Sven and the Scarf
  10. Pompadour
  11. The Zygon Isolation
  12. The Descendants of Pompeii
  13. Listen
  14. Fear Is a Superpower
  15. Doctors Assemble!
  16. The Secret of Novice Hame
  17. The Best of Days
  18. U.N.I.T. On Call
  19. The Genuine Article
