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Recap / Blaze And The Monster Machines Axle City Grand Prix

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Original airdate: April 12, 2016
Subject: Rotational speed

During a grand race through Axle City, Crusher steals Gabby's special remote that controls any machine so he can win, and Blaze has to get it back.


  • Didn't Think This Through: Crusher completely forgot that the giant pipes he uses to block the road have one pipe three times as bigger than the others, thus Blaze can simply drive right through them.
  • Indy Escape: The Ferris wheel spins so fast under Crusher's influence that it breaks off the ride and rolls after Blaze.
  • Tempting Fate:
    Crusher: There's no way Blaze can get past all those big, heavy pipes!
    Gabby: Maybe we can drive through the pipes! We just need to find a pipe that's big enough for Blaze!
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Gabby's remote is never used again after this episode.
