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Quotes / What-a-Mess

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Lovable pup, he's so fun and unrepressed (Oh my, What-A-Mess)
Totally helpful, but takes it to excess (Oh my, What-A-Mess)
He's a scruffy little Afghan prince
He could use a little common sense

When he comes running, we all shout, “What a mess!”
(We shout, “What a mess!”)

He's a hero ready for success (Who's that, What-A-Mess)
But if he panics, he'll send an S.O.S (Hey there, What-A-Mess)
This dog is daring, he's brave and bold
Except when it's spooky, or dark, or cold

When he comes running, we all shout, “What a mess!”
(We shout, “What a mess!”)

Full of adventure, we never know what's next (Watch out, What-A-Mess)
Out in the garden, he's on a jungle quest (There goes What-A-Mess)
Digging a hole just to beat the heat
Backyard disaster is now complete
Can't help but love him, this pup called What-A-Mess! (We shout, “What a mess!”)''

—The theme to the 1995 show
