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Quotes / Rock–Paper–Scissors

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Shiver: Which one's the best? Rock, Paper, or Scissors?
Frye: Hooold up. There's no such thing as the "best move" in Rock Paper Scissors!
Big Man: Ay? Ay. (No? But I'm pretty sure I always win when I pick scissors.)
Shiver: Um, have you ever heard of "rock"? It's literally the most solid choice.
Frye: I broke a rock once. Sell me on this...
Shiver: Rock is the shape of a triumphant fist held high. It's solid. Stable. A foundation. It's—
Frye: I'ma stop you right there. If that's all you've got, consider me Team Paper!
Big Man: Ay? Ay? (Paper? Really?)
Frye: Paper can fold into sharp shapes! And you can write DEVASTATING things on paper.
Big Man: Ay. Ay! (No, no. Scissors are strongest! They're already sharp! No folding required!)
Shiver: Not when you make scissors out of your fingers. But a "rock hand" is pure power!
Big Man: Ay! (B-but finger scissors are complicated! They, your mind? And stuff...)
Shiver: Do you even have fingers?! Suddenly you're the finger expert around here?
Big Man: Ay! (I made up my mind, which is strong, thanks to finger scissors. Team Scissors!)
