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Woxanne: The predicament you now find yourselves in does not support that claim. We have far more resources, manpower, and all the time in the world to maintain our assault for decades to come. These three factors will ensure your demise sooner or later. Besides, even if you defeat us, so what? The humans will eventually learn to fear your powers, your nigh-immortality outside of sorties, which are almost akin to godhood to them. And fearing a possible insurrection, they will likely start a manhunt for you all to be put down by scrapping you all.
Arare: You say that as if it's already a foregone conclusion.
Woxanne: And you sound as if you blindly believe it isn't. And even if that wasn't true, even now, when a global threat exists to wipe them all from the face of this earth, there still exists terrorism, infighting, wars in less-developed countries, anti-war unions who protest. We do listen in on your mass-media channels, you know. They will return to fighting each other in full force, as the cycle of violence that has been perpetuated throughout the course of human history cannot, and will never be stopped.
What happens then?
Would you fight and kill your current allies in the future, should they order you to?
Shiranui: [Presses cannon to Woxanne's head] Shut up. Anything you say, it's just sophistry to make us doubt our cause, even if it makes sense. Stop stalling.
Woxanne: Know that I'm telling you this, not because I fear you, or your powerful fleets. Not even the Cannon in the hands of the Kagerou-Class Destroyer, pointed at my head. It is the simple fact that no matter what you ship girls do, no matter what I say, even if you gathered every ship girl from all four corners of the earth to fight us, you cannot ever hope to defeat us. You can kill me, but you cannot kill us.

Ise: [To the Southern War Princess calling them ants and herself a god] You extol about what you've accomplished as an Abyssal Princess, and how you're almost godlike when compared to us, who are practically ants to you.
But I ask of you this question.
Was it a written rule of this world where ants couldn't kill gods?

Kyoka Suigetsu Tenryuu: Lotus flowers are capable of surfacing and blossoming despite being planted in the bottom of muddy waters and swamps, breaking the surface as its unstained petals unfurl majestically, its beauty unstained by the impurities that pollute its place of origin.
Isn't it the ideal representation of you ship girls, perfectly beautiful ladies of war who are born from and rise above the carnage, the bloodshed, the sins, the corpses and ashes of all who participated and perished in the inferno that is war, to appear in this world as flawless, unblemished beauties?

Nagato:Do not hesitate! Centuries of historians shall look back upon today, and what do you want them to see?! A bunch of cowering maidens, or ladies of war who gave their all for the sake of victory?!
Admiral Mako has opened up a window of opportunity for us, where a large chunk of the enemy has been wiped out in one fell swoop and are forced into retreat because of our surprise attack. And although the enemy is retreating, we cannot be sure that they won't mount a second offensive, and as Admiral Mako said before, 'There are no bad tactics, only the wrong situations or the wrong person in command'. With our planes surrounding them from all sides, our weapons at the ready and our unyielding wills pushing us on while the enemy is in retreat, instead of senselessly throwing away our lives, this time, we shall instead push them out of our territory and emerge victorious!
Behind us are the humans, not just of Japan but also the world, whose fate rests on our shoulders. Standing beside us are our comrades who fight, sweat and bleed alongside us! And standing before us and impeding our path to victory are the Abyssals, who threaten everything which we hold dear! So where else must we move but forward, into the fray?!

Abyssal Sakawa: [After a hydrogen bomb goes off, sending Nagato into a panic attack] I've waited for a long time in order to show you this sight, Nagato-san. And as a great man said when he laid eyes upon the same, albeit smaller-sized, sight we see before us today, he said this.
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
You will all see the light, Nagato-san, and eventually, you'll be consumed by it.
But don't be afraid.
This world will be consumed in a sea of fire, as righteous retribution for what they did to us as well as to cleanse this filthy world for those who deserve it more, Nagato-san.
One day, you'll understand where I'm coming from.
One day, you'll join us in the light.
