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Quotes / I Just Want to Be Badass

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Hansel: I want to help!
Cyril: I know you do. I know that very well. But I cannot do that to the both of you. I have to kill people. You know that right?
Gretel: Y-You don't have to. Y-You're not a bad person, r-right?
Cyril: I don't know, Gretel. And my task is not something to enjoy, it is something meant to be endured. I want you both to stay here where it is safe.
Hansel: I want to be strong. Why can't you stay and help us do that?
Cyril: Because You Are Not Ready.
Hansel: When will we be ready?
Gretel: Please, mister Hunter. We can help!
Cyril: When I have decided. Rest now, remember you both have to do what Miss Charlotte and Lady Sallya says. Am I clear?
Hansel: Yes...
