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Quotes / Casters & Castles

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Episode 1

Bren: On the shores of a secret island, in the middle of a mist-shrouded lake, far from the sight of any other land, stand four heros... unfortunately.
Jonathan: You wot?
Bren: They have gathered here, to answer the summons of the wise hermit of Atilane. He each appeared, in your dreams, holding a silver torch in one hand and a golden book in the other, urging you all to come quickly, for destiny itself had need of you.

Bren: (the group is introducing their characters) Next up, you. I dare... even ask you.
Alan: Me?
Bren: You're dressed... in your grandmother's curtains.
Eren: Her pantaloons.
Alan: My grandmother's curtains? No- You call me a clown, sir, I am no clown, merely a poor bard, down on his luck. It has been hard times for me, (gesturing to his clothes) I uh, I pulled this from a young man who I sold a story to, and—
Eren: You pulled it... from him?
Jonny: Pulled it?
Alan: Pulled it.
Jonny: You stole it?
Alan: Deep inside of him.
Bren & Mitch: (laughing)
Alan: Pulled the story! The tendrils, deep inside of his heart, and he gave me this fresh off his back.
Jonny: He's mental.
Alan: Mental? No. (grabs Jonny's beard) Just looking for a good story.
Jonny: There's a lot of wisdom in this beard, may I tell you.
Alan: A lot of wisdom, a lot of wisdom in your young heart, I'm sure. I'll- I'll be sure to drag it out; and weave a story like no other. My friends, I am here, mostly, to tell of your great deeds. I'm no great fighter myself, (to Eren) I can't profess to be a master in the pits, or (to Lysha) a temple dweller, or (to Jonny) whatever the hell you are, Mister Bearded Fellow.

Alan: Who are you, bearded man?
Eren: Yeah who are you, actually?
Jonny: Me? I am Jonny the Wise.
Bren & Mitch: (laughing)
Jonny: Have you not heard of my tales?
Alan: I must profess I've talked to many bards and none of them sing a song about Jonathan the Wise.
Eren: Did you give yourself the title?
Lysha: My existence was quite sheltered, I have never heard of such a man.
Jonny: No, I got the title... long ago... from some... some fella.
Bren: From where?
Jonny: I'm a bit of a folk hero where I come from. I've saved many lives.
Bren: Where is your village?
Jonny: My verge?
Bren: Your village.
Jonny: Oh, up north.
Alan: Johnny the deaf.

Hermit of Atilane: But it is not brains you will need, it is your bicep, of 36 circumference. Inches. I do say.
Eren: Well thank fuck for that.

Jonny the Wise: I live based on instinct.

Alan: My friend, when were you injured?
Gilbert: Oh many years ago, it was a, a bad storm you see, I'm glad you asked, it's an interesting tale, take a seat.
Eren: Oh fuck, now you've done it.
Gilbert: It was an interesting night, I uh-
Eren: There's nowhere to sit here!
Gilbert: Bad omens, bad omens were encroaching us...
