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Playing With / Super-Hearing

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  • Basic Trope: Someone can hear things beyond human perception.

  • Straight: Alice can hear a conversation in another house.

  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice can hear everything in her town.
    • Alice can hear everything for hundreds of miles.
    • Alice can hear everything.

  • Downplayed: Alice can hear every word of a conversation on the other side of a building.

  • Justified:
    • Alice is an alien with a very strong sense of hearing to detect predators.
    • Alice is blind, and has enhanced senses to make up for it.

  • Inverted: Alice is deaf.

  • Subverted: Alice could hear her neighbors talking, but she had actually installed a recording device in their house.

  • Double Subverted: The recording device actually broke, so she had to rely on her sense of hearing.

  • Parodied: ???

  • Zig-Zagged: Sometimes, Alice's hearing randomly sharpens.

  • Averted: Alice has a normal, human sense of hearing.

  • Enforced: ???

  • Lampshaded: "Man, Alice can hear anything."

  • Invoked: Alice installed high-tech hearing aids that amplify sound.

  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz plays loud sounds to torture Alice.

  • Defied: Alice doesn't like having to hear everything, so she wears noise-cancelling headphones that reduce her hearing to a normal level.

  • Discussed: ???

  • Conversed: "How do these characters not go insane by hearing everything?"

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