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Playing With / Sleeper Starship

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Basic Trope: A starship that carries people, plants, animals, technical gadgets and housing and terraforming material to colonize a new planet. All living things onboard are in cryostasis.

  • Straight: The Dreamblazer is a starship carrying people in cryostasis and materials to colonize a new planet.

  • Exaggerated: Even the technical gadgets onboard are put into cryostasis.

  • Downplayed: People are sleeping in cryostasis most of the time on the Dreamblazer, but are also seen doing other stuff.

  • Justified: FTL travel hasn't been invented yet, and a Generation Ship didn't attract enough colonists. Prospective colonists demanded a chance to see their new home planet themselves, and that is the reason why the people behind the colonization decided to use cryonics.

  • Inverted: The Dreamblazer carries people in cryostasis...but they are awake.

  • Subverted: When Alice and Bob board the Dreamblazer, they only find people in cryostasis. But later they find active people onboard, and find out that the frozen ones are people with deadly diseases who want to be awoken in the future when there is a cure. They are now brought to another medical center.

  • Double Subverted: The active people are in fact Space Pirates who hijacked the Dreamblazer, a factual Sleeper Ship.

  • Enforced: "So, they shall colonize this new planet, but I view a Generation Ship as quite senseless. And faster-than-light travel isn't yet a thing in-universe..." "Let's just freeze the colonists."

  • Averted: New space colonies aren't settled with the help of cryonics.

  • Zig-zagged:
    • Some colony ships are sleeper ships, some are not.
    • ...And some are Sleeper/Generation hybrids, with the generationals providing maintenance for the sleepers.

  • Parodied: The frozen people on the Dreamblazer are all stuck in silly postures and normal clothing inside literal ice blocks.

  • Exploited: Bob wants to flee from his Abusive Parents and secretly joins a sleeper ship as a colonist, since they cannot force him to come back when he is frozen and far in outer space.

  • Lampshaded: "A cryonics ship...I read about that in old science fiction novels."

  • Discussed: "You know, the Millers joined the Dreamblazer mission..." "I always knew they are crazy - being frozen for centuries, and in a space ship! What a horror, I couldn't do that."

  • Conversed: "Being stuck in a little cold chamber for centuries with only space around you...kinda Nightmare Fuel."

  • Implied: A museum exhibit shows a picture of the Dreamblazer. We can see that cryonics chambers large enough for people were included.

  • Deconstructed:
    • The only real advantage of a Sleeper ship in comparison to a Generation Ship is that the settlers will see their new home in the end themselves. Nevertheless, a lot can happen during centuries half alive in space, it still isn't definitely so that there will be a habitable planet for you in the end, and it is quite clear that all your family and friends you leave behind on Earth will be dead when you arrive. That makes it hard to even find willing colonists.
    • When everyone is asleep all the time, you also cannot help each other in case something like Cryonics Failure or the Negative Space Wedgie happens. Sleeper starships disappear all the time, and death rates on them are usually high.
    • Also, the ship needs to be steered and watched from Earth. Since the colony already goes bankrupt during the journey due to a bad economical situation on Earth, the ship looses its Earth watchers and disappears, with everyone onboard dying.

  • Reconstructed: A contingency of generational maintenance crew allows a sleeper ship's cryonics to get most (if not all) of the repair work it'll need during the journey, and they should also be able to perform the course corrections needed, instead of having to rely on the (economic) whims of Earth.

Now, take a deep breath, click the button to bring you back to Sleeper Ship and will wake up on the main page.
