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Playing With / From Roommates to Romance

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Basic Trope: Characters develop feelings for each other as a result of living together.
  • Straight: Nina moves into the spare bedroom of her friend Josh. After a few months sharing a living space, the mutual attraction between them becomes evident.
  • Exaggerated: Nina moves in with Josh, a stranger. They fall in Love at First Sight and are married after a week.
  • Downplayed: Nina admits that she occasionally sees Josh in a romantic or sexual light due to their living arrangement, but nothing ever comes of it.
  • Justified: ???
  • Inverted: Nina and Josh have crushes on each other and move in together hoping something more with come of it. But living together causes them to realize they are Better as Friends.
  • Subverted: Nina's family is aghast that she's moving in with a guy she's not dating, thinking that it will result in relationship drama. Nina reassures them that their relationship is totally platonic.
  • Double Subverted: Nina expects some attraction to happen between her and her new male roommate, but to her surprise, their relationship is completely platonic. However, a year into living together, Josh suddenly confesses that he is in love with her.
  • Parodied: Nina chooses her potential roommates like Tinder matches, only agreeing to meet up with ones she thinks she'll be attracted to.
  • Zig-Zagged: Nina and Josh are in a Will They or Won't They? cycle, and they're also moving in and out of the apartment.
  • Averted:
    • Nina and Josh are roommates and there is no suggestion of anything happening between them.
    • Nina and Josh are dating, but not as a result of living together.
  • Enforced: The screenwriter has a script for a Romantic Comedy that wasn't initially about roommates falling in love. COVID-19 Pandemic-related filming restrictions resulted in the need for a confined filming space, and so the characters of Nina and Josh are retooled into a pair of roommates.
  • Lampshaded: "Of course Nina has a crush on her roommate. She's probably seen him naked!"
  • Invoked: Nina, having read several romance novels about roommates falling in love, completely expects to fall in love with Josh.
  • Exploited: Josh only invites women to live with him in the hopes of getting a girlfriend or a roommate with benefits.
  • Defied: Everyone thinks Nina and Josh will fall for each other because they are roommates, but they shut it down at every opportunity.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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