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Playing With / "Darkness von Gothick" Name

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Basic Trope: A dark/gothic/shadowy/black magic-associated/etc. character has a similarly dark and gothic name.

  • Straight: Raven Bloodshadow is a creepy, sullen, dark-haired goth who may or may not be a vampire.
  • Exaggerated: Raven Cassandra Morticia Von Darke-Bloodshadow III is a powerful, gothic Lady of Black Magic who is definitely a vampire.
  • Downplayed: Raven Smith is a Perky Goth.
  • Justified: To become a dark magical user one must first sacrifice their name and old identity to choose a new one associated with darkness. However this does not do anything to actually make them evil.
  • Inverted:
    • The goth's name is Aurora Hope Summers, a name pertaining to light and warmth.
    • Raven Bloodshadow is a sweet, "light feminine" kind of girl.
  • Subverted:
    • Raven Bloodshadow seems like a mysterious, gothic, and brooding person... but she was just having a bad day. She's actually a warm and genial person, and definitely not a vampire.
    • She introduces herself as Raven Bloodshadow... only for her friend Bob to reveal her name is actually Aurora Summers.
  • Double Subverted:
    • That was a ruse to get you to lower your guard. She's totally a gothic vampire.
    • Bob was actually the one who was joking to annoy Raven.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice has to come up with a name for a vampire character, and just winds up stringing awful things together.
      Alice: Raven... Syphilis...Genocide...Darkmoonshadow!
    • Alice's vampire character ends up with such an edgy name, people instantly cry blood the moment they read/hear it.
    • Alice's full name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: There are no 'dark' characters, and if there are, they don't have 'gothic' names.
  • Enforced: The editors complain that "Raven Smith" is too subtle of a name for a gothic character, so they insist that she be renamed "Raven Bloodshadow".
  • Lampshaded:
    Alice: "Raven Bloodshadow?" That's a pretty ominous name, isn't it?
  • Invoked: Raven Smith renames herself "Raven Bloodshadow" after being turned into a vampire.
  • Exploited: Vampire hunters search the internet for local people with gothic names and interrogate them.
  • Defied:
    Raven: Rename myself something more vampiric like "Bloodshadow"? No thanks, my last name's fine.
  • Discussed:
    Alice: Raven, you just got turned into a vampire. You've got to rename yourself something more fitting. In vampire media, they always have really cool, gothic names.
  • Conversed:
    Alice: Oh, are you watching another vampire movie?
    Bob: Yeah, Raven Bloodshadow. You can tell because the main character's got a really dark name.
  • Played For Laughs: Absolutely nobody can takes Raven Bloodshadow seriously even after she has killed more people than Genghis Khan and cast the world into eternal darkness.
  • Implied: Raven Bloodshadow is The Ghost, but her description from other characters sounds quite gothic.

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