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Playing With / Adoption Is Not an Option

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Basic Trope: When a couple wants a child and struggles to conceive, it never occurs to them that they could adopt a child.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob want a child, but find out that it is hard for them to conceive one. The idea of them adopting a child is never brought up.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The doctor tells Alice and Bob that they're infertile despite them wanting a child.
    • Alice and Bob have been trying for a baby for years now.
    • Most of Alice's friends have adopted children, but she still doesn't consider it when struggling to conceive.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice and Bob already have a kid, so them not conceiving doesn't mean that they have no children.
    • Alice and Bob adopt Carol, Bob's love child from a previous relationship he had.
    • When Alice and Bob have difficulty conceiving, Bob's brother dies, leaving the two to raise his surviving children.
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Bob were raised under backgrounds which despise adoption of any kind.
    • Alice had to give a baby up for adoption as a teenager and is emotionally unstable over it, so adopting a child might add salt to the wound.
    • Alice and Bob have only been trying for a month, and will only consider adoption if they can't conceive a child after several more months.
    • King Bob comes from a royal family that only allows people with their bloodline to inherit the throne.
    • Alice and Bob can't find any adoption agencies near them.
    • Alice and Bob have tried to adopt in the past, but were denied permission.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice and Bob are a fertile couple, but still insist on adopting children.
    • Alice becomes pregnant from her boyfriend by accident, but never considers giving the baby up for adoption.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice and Bob end up adopting a child anyway.
    • Their friend Dan suggests that they adopt a child.
  • Double Subverted:
    • The adopted child dies.
    • The adopted child's birth mother wants the child back, so Alice selflessly returns the child.
    • Alice and Bob turn down the idea of adopting.
  • Parodied: When Alice and Bob have problems conceiving a child of their own, they receive a Doorstep Baby. They wonder why it was sent to their house while they send it to the local orphanage.
  • Zig Zagged:
  • Averted:
    • Alice and Bob end up having their baby at some point, so adoption is moot.
    • Alice adopts a child after realizing that she is having difficulty conceiving.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "If you and Bob are having trouble getting pregnant, then why don't you two just adopt a child?"
  • Invoked: Alice's mother tells her that she wants a biological grandchild, not an adopted one.
  • Exploited: Alice gets pregnant after a few years of trying for a baby, and learns a lesson about patience because of it.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob are both sterile but wants kids, so they immediately decide to adopt a kid, even if their loved ones are against adoption.
  • Discussed:
    • "If you didn't get pregnant, would you have considered adoption or would you not even think about it as a choice?"
    • "Alice, if I don't get you pregnant, then we can talk about the other choices."
  • Conversed: "Another couple is childless because of infertility? Will someone please introduce them to adoption?"
  • Implied:
    • Alice and Bob talk about how they might be getting a new child. Despite this, Alice never gets pregnant.
    • When Alice and Bob find out that they can't have a child through natural means, they use IVF or a surrogate mother.
  • Deconstructed: Alice and Bob are completely saddened that they can't have a child in any way, shape, or form.
  • Reconstructed: Alice and Bob earn emotional support and learn that not every couple needs a child.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob tells Alice that he wants a baby. Alice reminds him that she can't get pregnant because of her athletic career, and even adds that her family won't let her adopt a child.
  • Played for Drama:
    • Alice and Bob try as hard as they can to have a biological child, but when all attempts fail, they are both disheartened by the fact that they can't have their child unless they adopt one from the orphanage.
    • Carol is an orphan who has remained parentless for years because couples would much rather have biological children.

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