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Nightmare Fuel / The Perfection

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  • Although awesome, the duet that Lizzie and Charlotte play and which plays intermittently throughout the film is quite dark and chilling.
  • The flashbacks of Charlotte's time in hospital.
  • When it becomes increasingly clear that Lizzie is suffering from more than a simple hangover.
  • The idea of being on a bus in the middle of nowhere, violently ill, with one friend and surrounded by strangers who barely speak your language.
  • Charlotte's whole plan, although justified, is incredibly sinister in its planning and application, worthy of a Shakespearean villain.
  • The ultimate revelation that Anton and his friends raped Charlotte, Lizzie and however many other girls. The blurred shot of him standing naked in front of Charlotte is terrifying.
  • He threatens to rape Zhang Li, a little girl, if Charlotte makes a mistake while playing. He says afterwards that he didn't mean it but it's implied later that he intends to make good on his threat.
  • Lizzie threatening to shove her stump up Charlotte's vagina. Fortunately she was faking.
  • Anton carving through Charlotte's arm with a kitchen knife.
  • The state of Anton at the end, although it is THOROUGHLY deserved.
