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Nightmare Fuel / Pumpkin Eater

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Since it's a story about a mother believing that her son's dead corpse is still alive, this story has plenty of nightmarish and Squick moments.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

  • The story starts off with the boy's father accidentally running over the boy with a car and the boy's head ends up being crushed because of it. This then leads to the mother replacing the boy's head with a pumpkin.
  • The boy's body decaying over the course of the story. There are horrific descriptions in the story about the boy's decaying body such as the boy's skin turning green and maggots crawling over his body.
  • The mother's descent into madness after the death of her son. She takes the boy's dead body and pretends that the boy is still alive. She gets even worse in the story when she starts threatening both the father and the daughter into playing along. Then, towards the end of the story, the mother murders an innocent young boy to take his body to replace her dead son's decaying body with and then tries to murder her daughter after she starts hallucinating that her dead son told her to kill her daughter.
  • The girl's (a.k.a Gloria's) situation through the whole ordeal. First, she sees her brother get killed in the car accident and then, she's forced to be in the same room as her brother's decaying body due to her mother believing that the boy is still alive. Then, when her mother reaches the tipping point in her insanity, her mother tries to kill Gloria and Gloria ends up going to the police to report her parents for their crimes. Afterwards, Gloria goes to an orphanage and her situation is even worse there since the smell of the dead corpse still lingers on her and she is bullied for it.
