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Nightmare Fuel / Mirai Sentai Timeranger

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The series has its fill of nightmarish moments, thanks to Gien.

  • Case File 11 has Gougan, an sadistic alien frozen within Londerz Prison in 2975 for using his Dream Breaker machine to compel a community's residents to form sleep-walking mobs that murder each other for his amusement over a duration of three nights. Once freed, Gougan resumes his habit on a town. By day, it is ghost town with people either staying inside to arm themselves are on the street murdering anyone they come across. By the nightfall, it becomes a something out of the The Purge with people cackling and becoming more Ax-Crazy.

  • Case File 20 has Blaster Mad, one of the inmates within the Hell's Gate vault where the worst criminals the 30th century are stored, all essentially death-row inmates from the future. A mass-murderer who had 1,030 victims at the time of his imprisonment, Blaster Mad continues his killing spree after being released by Gien and lives up to his reputation. Among his victims are an office employee whose car he causally placed a bomb in and shooting a news helicopter out of the sky, cameraman knocked out of the helicopter and falling to his death.
