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Nightmare Fuel / Hey! Pikmin

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  • In fire-themed levels, you can find Young Yellow Wollywogs on fire! Ouch.
  • The dots on the front of Stuffed Bellblooms can be pretty disturbing to people with trypophobia — explains why its scientific name is Legumos trypophobis.
  • The final boss, the Leech Hydroe, is a demonic dragon made out of foliage that in its first form has three heads that spit poison balls, and the Pikmin must be launched at its head to defeat it. But that's not all, as after a few hits, it grows some grotesque limbs. Now if you beat it, its body will just shrivel up, but then the last head grows a new body with sycamore seeds for wings. This was all just because a amoeba parasite thing got possessed by the Sparklium Converter. Ugh!
