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Heartwarming / Secret Avengers

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  • Doubles as a Tear Jerker, but Taskmaster's genuine concern for Mockingbird's mental health after he sees the condition she's in following her time under AIM's control. Considering who he is, its both kinda sweet, but also really, really heart-wrenching.
  • Also, from same issue: "Metal man...OK?"
  • Mentallo's letter to Taskmaster as he prepares to transfer himself to nanies and go to the sea, which he has always loved. It's such a simple thing, but it underscores their friendship.
    • Also the revelation that whoever shot Taskmaster is either a lousy shot or good enough to hit him in manner that he'd live. Note, since this was Mockingbird, who's a SHIELD-trained marksmen and biologist who knows enough about the human body to theoretically make a shot like that. In other words, Bobbi, despite her messed up mental state, was able to focus herself enough to make a shot that wouldn't kill him. Given the genuine concern noted above he had for her, its kind of a nice moment.
  • The last scene of Spencer's run: Bobbi meeting up with Daisy and Bucky, and them deciding to go to Hawaii with a nice lady who owns a diner, to celebrate being free.
    • Even The Fury gets a happy ending when its find a purpose to being more than just a mindless killing machine.
