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Heartwarming / Phylactery

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  • Lust and Gluttony's Friendship Moment in chapter 4.
    Gluttony: I missed you, Lust. You died. Mustang killed you, but Envy said I couldn't eat him. You were gone...
    Lust: I know. I'm sorry I left you, but it's all right now. I'm right here.
    Gluttony: You won't die again, right?
    Lust: Of course not.
  • When the Homunculi realize that Wrath hasn't been resurrected, Greed immediately states the following:
    Greed: Hey, yeah! Where is that bastard!? You better not have brought him back, Pride! He's not getting away with killing Old Man Fu this time!
  • Selim apologizing to Gluttony for killing him is mostly just a Tear Jerker, but Gluttony's forgiveness of him is this. Especially when he pulls Selim into a big bear hug and the two end up looking at recipes together.
  • The Homunculi's drawing contest in chapter 16 is both this and a funny moment. Especially when everyone sees what Sloth managed to draw.
  • Envy spends the whole time the Elrics are around trying to get a rise out of Edward, and is quite disappointed that Ed isn't as volatile as he once was. What finally ends up working? Threatening Winry and their kids.
  • Sloth's reaction to being rewarded and thanked for doing grunt work for once.
  • Any time Mrs. Bradley acts like a mother to the Homunculi. Special mention goes to her consoling Lust when the latter has her period for the first time, showing genuine appreciation for Sloth's hard work, teaching Gluttony to read, write and cook and caring for Envy while he's sick.
    • In a weird sort of way, the fact that Envy tends to show appreciation for Mrs. Bradley's more cunning side. He's genuinely impressed when she catches onto how contrarian he is and tries using reverse psychology on him to get him to rest when he's sick (his only critique being that she was being a little too obvious about it), and later finds it highly amusing that she managed to manipulate events to get Lust to volunteer to model for Pearl's store (and even takes Mrs. Bradley's side with regards to whether or not Lust should do it).
  • In chapter 35, Lust has her period for the first time, which naturally is not a pleasant experience for her. Mrs. Bradley, whom Lust had just prior given a very hard time to the point of insulting her for choosing to be a mother, is quick to help her out, leading to this sweet little exchange:
    "Of course I won't tell them," Lily responded to Lust's demand. "It's women's business only… Oh, I know it's no fun," she continued consolingly, "but think of it this way: It's a sign that women are much tougher than men."

    "I never needed any proof of that," Lust muttered. Lily smiled sagely.

    "And wise men don't need any proof either, dear," she said.
