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Heartwarming / John Lennon

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  • Love is very warm and heartfelt song. Only John Lennon can write such an simple, yet sincere lyrics
    Love is you, you and me
    Love is knowing we can be
  • Imagine is his Signature Song for a very good reasons. One of them - is the eternal message about peace and unity
    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will live as one
    • In the end of the clip they exchange glances while Yoko tries to hold back a smile, and when John gives her a funny face, she cheerfully kiss him. Owwwww
  • In the early 1970s, during the worst of the post-breakup legal and interpersonal quarrels between John and Paul—much of which was quite public—a fan stopped John on the street in New York to say hello. She noticed that John was wearing an "I Love Paul" button and asked, a bit perplexed, why he was wearing it. John replied, without the slightest bit of irony or sarcasm, "Because I love Paul!"
