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Heartwarming / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User

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  • Any ending focused on a crusader that originally died in the story. Bonus points if said crusader is your favorite.
  • While we're at it, Kakyoin's ending, particularly this line:
    Kakyoin: I can't wait to tell mother and father... that I made friends.
  • The Ship Tease between the Female Protagonist and some of the companions can be quite adorable.
  • If the protagonist has the sickly trait and collapses while having one of the crusaders in the party, he will carry you back to the hotel room, stay by your side until you wake up, and allow you to rest for the day. In Chaos Mode, Utah will do the same if he happens to be in your party too.
  • If the protagonist has enough prudence to write "DONTREADIT" into the Bizarre Memo before going down the "Sacrifice" ending path, rather than read the book, the Joestar gang respect their partner's last wishes and destroy the Path To Heaven book without reading so much as a single word. It shows just how much trust they have in their partner to obey an odd note like that without question (and it leads to the somewhat brighter "Exchange" ending.)
  • The Succession Ending, everyone lives and returns to their normal lives after the ordeal is over. After the credits, the game shows the crusaders, plus the protagonist, in a group photo; which becomes the protagonist's computer wallpaper in the next playthrough.
    • The full name of this ending also qualifies as such a moment on its own:
    "Ode To Humanity"
  • In the Bonus Room, Vins is reunited with her stillborn son Wes at last. We see her happily tending to her baby, showing that losing him and getting her own Stand brought the worst in her.
  • An alternate version of Weather Report who was never switched at birth is spending his days carefree with Pucci and Pearla in the Bonus Room. There's something heartwarming about seeing the three acting like a normal family for once.
    • Weather goes by Domenico, the name the Pucci family was going to give him before he was switched with Wes in the canon timeline. While he doesn't get along with Pearla (ironic, considering the canon timeline), he and Enrico get along just fine.
    • It's implied Enrico is still friends with Dio in this timeline, but he's more well-adjusted thanks to having his siblings around. He also acts like a Cool Big Bro to them, helping Pearla with her homework and trying to reign Domenico around.
