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Heartwarming / He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002)

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  • During the opening of "The Ties that Binds", when Teela is injured and in need of blood, almost every Master present steps forward, arm bared, ready to donate. That's some True Companions right there.
    • Moreover, when told they're not suitable donors, Stratos prepares to fly Teela wherever is needed, and promises woe to "anyone who gets in our way."
  • In the episode "Dragon's Brood", a mother dragon rescues her children from He-Man and Teela. Just as she was about to finish He-Man off, she suddenly picks up a scent and realizes that He-Man is actually the boy who freed her from the rubble thus sparing him. When she notices that he was in danger, the dragon came to his aid and drove Skeletor to flee.
    • When Teela asks why the mother dragon would spare He-Man, when it was Adam who helped it earlier. Duncan points out that things like compassion are things that anyone can pass along to others. True, it's to cover for Adam's Secret Identity as He-Man. But he still makes a valid point.
    Duncan: Maybe the dragon preformed a kind act, because it remembered that someone had been kind to it.
    Teela: But it wasn't He-Man who was kind to the dragon, it was Adam.
    Duncan: Kindness is like a canteen. What one person pours into it; others may drink.
  • In "Mekaneck's Lament" Adam spent much of the episode trying to cheer up Mekaneck. By the end Adams wise words manage to sink in and Mekaneck admitted to He-Man that he should try to listen to the prince more often. Considering how often he's brushed off as useless, it's nice He-Man's alter ego can earn at least a little respect.
  • In "Separation," Sy-Klone laments not having a family anymore. With Roboto's help, he searches out possible descendants - only to find nothing. At the end of the episode, though, his mood is improved. Why? Well, as he tells Roboto, he's realized that he does have a family after all - the Masters.
  • In "The Last Stand," after Skeletor's forces are beaten back from Castle Grayskull, the Masters assess the damage and their next move. He-Man, meanwhile, comforts an injured Cringer, who had earlier taken a blast while helping defend the castle.
  • While Kobra Khan back stabs so many people that go in his way but he will never betray King Hssss. When Khan got hurt after protecting his king from an attack, Hssss is clearly enraged at this.
  • Despite having a tense argument with Man-At-Arms not long ago, Fisto heads straight to battle and fight Webstor and his brood to save his brother.
