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Heartwarming / Fox Rain

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  • After a chance encounter leads to her receiving the Fox Miraculous right after her original Akumatization, Lila does her genuine best to be a genuine hero. She's not exactly the hero type and has some strange expectations due to her previous life experience (she genuinely thinks that seeing the train for Rome, and thus a glimpse of what she considers the best place in the world, would help Marinette with her creative block), but at least she's trying. And even then, she can obtain some results:
    • After the Miraculous Book was stolen, it's her who gets Adrien back to school by claiming that, as the superheroine Vorpika (that she's lying about having been in Paris for a while), she hypnotized him into doing that, and also gives Gabriel a scare to make sure he won't try and isolate Adrien again.
    • One of Lila's suggestions for Marinette's creative block, the one that worked, was for her to visit the nearest fabric store to get inspiration. In part she suggested it because she knew they'd find a flier for a contest from Gabriel...and in part because she has a composer uncle who'd visit a music instrument shop for inspiration every time he has a creative block.
  • After a somewhat rocky start, Marinette's decision and perseverance in befriending Lila and keeping her good, even showing her a past diary (that she normally keeps hidden and surrounded by traps) when it looked like Lila would think they were using her.
  • Chloe is her Alpha Bitch self...but still has it in herself to try and foil an (ineffective) attempt from an unknown bully to get Lila Akumatized.
  • In a strange and somewhat dark way, Gabriel's insistence in getting Zoe Chevalot Akumatized so often everyone but Alya has lost count: she's Adrien's stalker, and as she's the daughter of the chief of the police and cannot just file a restraining order he's trying to get her committed.
