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Heart Warming / Epyllion

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A game about young dragons, basically in a type of family, there for each other in a world made for older dragons (until they get older themselves) and dangerous creatures. There is a lot of heartwarming potential here.

  • Yes, there will be conflict among the young drakes, but in the end, even when they fight and disagree, they are there to pull each other out of trouble.

  • Friendship Gems are an embodiment of the important bonds between player characters.

    • The player characters can give (or receive) these by representing your/their virtue, symbolizing a growing closeness and understanding.

      • These gems can be used to enhance moon magic, making it more likely to succeed when you return the gem(s) to the giver(s), or keeping them instead for the action of helping or hindering a friend, showing that the bonds between characters is real.

  • One of your clutchmates getting turned into their Shadowself to save you from danger, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. Same in reverse.

    • They (or you) could have sat that out, being so close to their worst side popping out for the world to see, to endure the last marked shadow before it is free so you don't have to go through it yourself.

      • Also, to make up for the Tear Jerker this is; you, or them if you where the one trapped as their Shadowself, can face the pain of a close friend/family, to look past that pain, fear, and loathing to bring that dragon back out.

  • The fact that anyone is redeemable from the darkness.
    • Those under control of the shadows are trapped as their worse side, many times it is not willing or intentional, and can be brought back.

  • Hell, even the White-and-Grey Morality setting is this too, which is a nice break from the trending cynicism of other Tabletop Games. Dragons as a whole are good-natured, and as mentioned above, they redeem the other dragons that fell into the darkness.
