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Headscratchers / Underdog

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  • Does "Weathering the Storm" take place before "Go Snow" and "The Big Shrink"? In "Weathering the Storm-part 1", after Sweet Polly discovers that Simon and Cad have hijacked the moon rocket she was on, Simon sounded like he was introducing Cad to her, despite this episode airing after the other two arcs, where she already knew both criminals.
  • Do the sedative gun and the guns that cause non-stop sneezing and crying in "The Tickle Feather Machine" have a setting to make the effects stop or do they wear off on their own?
  • If Simon and Cad used the Forget-Me-Net to kidnap Sweet Polly, then why didn't she regain her memories when Simon said her name in front of her at the beginning of part 3?
