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Headscratchers / Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

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  • The Rangers never thought to have Lerigot heal Rocky's back the same way he healed Kat's leg. It would have been much easier to do this than to try and squeeze in a last minute replacement who has neither the experience in the field nor the rapport with the team that Rocky does.
    • It may be that Lerigot's magic operates on a similar rule to the Whitelighters of Charmed (1998); just as Whitelighters were forbidden to heal conditions that weren't caused by fighting evil (Leo got his wings clipped when he healed Piper from a dangerous virus as that was a natural infection), maybe Lerigot could heal Kat's leg as she was injured trying to help him but couldn't help Rocky as his injury was the result of his own carelessness.
    • Alternatively, since Lerigot is weakened by exposure to Earth's atmosphere, he may not have had the power to heal Rocky when he was initially brought to the Command Centre, and by the time he was strong enough he and the Rangers had to rescue his family, Jason and Kimberly from Divatox.
  • Porto was part of Divatox's crew, so where was he during the events of the movie?
    • Maybe Saban/Fox didn't have his suit or didn't get it in time for filming.
