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Headscratchers / TimeRiders

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  • Why would Waldstein decide on programming Liam to think he's from 1911 so that he has no grasp of modern technology? Surely someone from from a later time would have made more sense.
  • If Sal is based on an actual human then why couldn't the other two have been based on actual people too? It would have saved the hassle of putting together fake memories for them.
    • Jossed as of Infinity Cage Sal's memories are from a girl's social network posts. Also Liam and Maddy are based of Waldstien's dead son and wife.
    • So Sal hallucinated seeing her younger self?
      • They most likely would have shared a likeness, so in her state at the time, it's not impossible that she saw who she was based on, and assumed that it actually was her. Once the mind has an idea about something, it takes a jolt/alternative view to realise that it was incorrect
