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Headscratchers / Tales of the Bounty Hunters

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  • If Boba Fett feels that Drugs Are Bad to such an extent that he feels the need to rant about it, why is he working for Jabba the Hutt? Han is just a middle man. Jabba was his boss. Moreover, Han has a bounty on his head because Han dumped the cargo, meaning he failed to smuggle drugs. Is Boba secretly a deep cover Imperial agent who opted to break operational security just so he could rant about drugs? Or is he supposed to be a hypocrite who lacks self-awareness?
    • His contract to capture Han was with The Empire, not necessarily Jabba. Jabba had a competing bounty, and The Empire was willing to shrug and say "why not" when it came to honoring Jabba's claim. (Means Han's not the Empire's problem either way). This means Fett gets both the Imperial and Hutt bounties for one capture. Not a bad score. Furthermore, as bad as the Hutts are, they're one of the only factions that reliably hires bounty hunters like Fett. Who hasn't worked for an employer they disliked just so they can make rent?
    • He claims that Jabba is the lesser evil compared to the Rebels, and that when they're defeated he expects the Empire will take care of him. It's probable too that his "morals" are just an excuse and don't make any logically consistent sense anyway.
